What a difference a week makes, sunshine has arrived and the deep snow of the last days and weeks seems almost a dream. Maybe the dynamics of our tango class tomorrow will also be different from last Monday's, when I thought for a moment that I'd advertised a class "especially for leaders" as I noticed only men filter past me on the door.
Fortunately, some "followers" did arrive eventually, the hard core devotees of our club, thank you girls! Of course, for us women who have had to share men over the last few years, quite often at a ratio 0f 3:1, (fortunately hardly ever in Malvern!) this sort of evening comes as welcome treat!
Our guest teachers Loyd Vidal and Sandra Bernard however, handled the situation admirably, with quite wicked humour, and, the men seemed to enjoy the class theme of learning to follow as well as lead. There were some chuckles about dancing close embrace or not, and consoling remarks of men having originally learnt to tango in Argentina with other men, so ultimately the class was a great success.
When analysing the evening the next day, I worried that I may have frighted some of the girls away(?!) but dear friend Mhari pointed out to me that it was probably all due to the snow, the "treacherous roads"(once again!) as in the main women don't like driving around in such conditions, where as men regard it as having fun!
Well, what a relief, and thank you boys !! Now I feel even more proud of our truly macho tangueros we are blessed with here in little old Malvern. And girls, perhaps you should remember to appreciate them a tiny bit more, after all they make a big effort to learn this beautiful dance, in all weathers and with such good humour as well! It really does take two to tango.
PS., and to our brave girls who risked the roads to make the class, well done and thank you as well, you really do have what it takes to be a great tanguera: attitude!
PPS., dear Macho Tangueros and fiesty Tangueras, don't forget it's Valentine's Day in 4 weeks time from today, and we have the most wonderful treat planned for you all - Sunday February 14th at Colwall Village Hall, the most extravagant event we have so far organized: Valentine's Tea Dance with luscious irresistible cream tea, and fabulous live music by the internationally acclaimed Tango Siempre! Love and tango. You want it, we do it.

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