After the ball is over, we can reflect on the weekend that has now passed by. Life has returned to normal, we had our regular monday class although as our guest teachers had flu we actually ended up doing a practica instead- which in some ways was no bad thing.
The salon workshops with Andreas Wichter on saturday were undoubtedly excellent making us aware of our posture, think about the embrace, and components of tango movements including 4 variations on the cross. For us mere mortals trying to lead these it was quite challenging , but he did emphasise the need to practice, and "do our homework"
I wonder how may people do go home and actually practice?
But back to the glamour we shared during the "Salon" on the Saturday night. We had invited dancers to dress the part in 30's and 40's attire, to enjoy the golden age music..We didn't expect Fred and Ginger to arrive though, or the wartime RAF officer, a lady in a mink stole over 1930's black lace dress, another in a 1940's print dress with blue snood covering her hair, nor a young glamorous couple in evening dress and tuxedo, straight from Hollywood perhaps. I do hope those pictures come out, it was such a beautiful scene at the Feathers Hotel. Candles flickered on the walls and chandeliers gently twinkled. The floor was smooth and immaculate. Darkness outside the windows cockooned the select party in the ball room. Some couples sipped champagne, the perfect accompaniment to the delicate canapes. An evening to remember fondly.
Tango Malvern web site is
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