Monday, 17 August 2009

let them eat cake....

A few weeks to plan "the new term" and getting things organized for Malvern's first ever tango festival? The idea seemed almost too sensible, but fortunate in retrospect, as it has turned out there really is a tremendous amount to do!
But, we have danced in Bristol with Eduardo, and another time at Tango West's new venue under the exacting eye of Andreas Wichter...a beautiful vals workshop.....then later up in Birmingham to Lloyd and Sandra's tango club...a great milonga class as it happened...
How good it is to go to some really good classes as a tango pupil ...and we look forward to some of their future visits to "Tango Malvern" the autumn!!

In the meantime, The "Tango Fiesta" takes shape...workshops all planned, Iyengar yoga scheduled first thing...lots of dancing from morning till the early hours! and for those looking for alternative entertainment,(?) just up the hill at "The Chase Inn" I have just discovered there will be a 3 day beer festival...perhaps the ideal sortie for the men when their partners are involved in "the specifically for followers workshop" (!) and perhaps then vice-versa!! everything in moderation though!

Perhaps slightly less risky, just round the corner from our Fiesta venue (Colwall Village hall) there is a sweet little cafe called the " Bonne bouche" my friend Mhari told me about it, consequently we obviously had to sample their wares of you know where you'll find us when the call for tea and cake is overpowering!! Isn't tango wonderful, it teaches you so much.. to connect with yourself and others and live life to the full.... that coconut cake was very good indeed....

Tango Malvern web site is

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